Priti Patel, the MP for Witham, has made further visits to local schools on Thursday 4th May as part of her Get Witham Growing campaign launched earlier this year in March. The aim of the campaign is to help children with the development of horticultural skills and grow an appreciation of nature. The Witham MP presented four schools with a basket filled with gardening goods, such as tools, seeds, and other small surprises.
Priti visited Kelvedon St Mary’s Church of England Primary Academy, Powers Hall and Acorn Academies in Witham, and Terling Church of England Primary School to present the baskets to the schools and do some planting with the pupils. The Cosmos seeds in the gift baskets provided by Priti are from one of the award-winning UK National Plant Collections grown by Jonathan Sheppard. They are easy to grow and beneficial to pollinators and butterflies.
Priti said ‘I was delighted to do a second round of visits as part of my new Get Witham Growing campaign. Horticulture and gardening are important skills for young people to learn which are beneficial to our lives and an important tool in young people’s personal development.
Growing food and plants from seeds is not only interesting and a useful skill but also beneficial for the environment. I have enjoyed visiting local schools today and speaking to students about planting and their appreciations for nature. I hope they continue planting and developing their gardening skills.’