Local MP Priti Patel has welcomed the decision taken by Maldon District Council’s North Western Area Planning Committee to grant planning permission for a café on Chigborough Farm.
A change of use application was needed and although the Council’s planning officers had recommended refusal, elected councillors passed the application. As well as providing local jobs, the café supported local businesses by sourcing food from local producers. The application was backed by hundreds of local residents and Witham MP Priti Patel also made representations in support, highlighting that the application would comply with national planning policies to support rural businesses and challenging the recommendation. .
Priti said: “Rural businesses need to be able to grow, expand and diversify and Chigborough Farm is an important local leisure and tourist destination. With this planning consent being granted the café on site can continue to provide local jobs and support other local businesses. I am pleased that the elected councillors carefully considered the strong case put forward and approved this application.”