Member of Parliament for Witham Priti Patel visited Medequip is a specialist logistical business located in the Horizon 120 Business Park. Medequip provides services in the Health and Social Care sector, and manages over 30 CES contracts operating out of 26 specially adapted depots across the country, covering a population of more than 18 million people.
The business was awarded their first community equipment contract in early 1993, and have since grown in both size and expertise to now offer fully integrated services which reflect the complex needs of the sector, designed and coproduced in conjunction with commissioners, professional prescribers, community support organisations, and the families, carers and people who use their services.
Over time they have extended their one-stop shop to include online retail and assessment, continence products, ceiling track hoists, wheelchairs, sensory loss equipment, TEC, falls prevention services and minor adaptations.
After touring the Braintree depot Priti said: “I was delighted to visit MedEquip brilliant a specialist logistical business that provides services in the Health and Social Care sector. It was great to see first hand some of the high quality equipment they provide and discuss how we reduce waste in the health and social care sector.”