Witham MP Priti Patel has welcomed the decision taken by Maldon District Council to refuse to grant planning permission to a developer who wanted to build a large housing development outside of the settlement boundary in Goldhanger.
The plans for new dwellings on a site off of Head Street were opposed by hundreds of local residents and Goldhanger Parish Council, who Priti had met with to discuss the plans. Objections to the application included the impact of a development of this scale on a small village, increased pressure on local services and highways safety concerns.
Priti said: “Goldhanger is a small village, and these development plans would have placed new pressures on the local community. The scale of the development proposed is unacceptable and I am pleased that Maldon District Council has refused it. I pay tribute to Goldhanger Parish Council and local residents who campaigned against it and put forward robust grounds for refusal.”