The MP for Witham, Priti Patel, recently met with local business Witlet, Witham United Charities and the national Almshouse Association to discuss the role of almshouses in providing social housing in the local area.
Charles Ryland, director of local family business Witlet, is working with Witham United Charities, and the Almshouse Association to support this historic local charity. The charity now owns 17 almshouse properties within the curtilage of the Church Street/Chalks Road Conservation Area, housing local people (often elderly) of limited financial means. During their meeting, Priti discussed with Charles and Almshouse Association Chief Executive Nick Phillips some of the current issues that prevent further growth of almshouses and their ability to provide affordable social housing options in local communities. The current definition of affordable housing in the NPPF excludes almshouses, and instead only recognises regulated housing providers. This limits almshouses’ access to section 106 support, unless they undergo an extensive process of becoming regulated (processes which are typically designed for housing associations with over 1,000 units). Most almshouses have less than 20 units, and 80% are not regulated by the Social Housing Regulator.
Priti said after the meeting: “I would like to thank Witlet, Witham United Charities and the Almshouse Association for meeting with me to discuss the vital role they are playing in providing social housing in the constituency. Almshouses face a unique set of challenges particularly when it comes to funding and recognition to support those most in need of housing. I will work with our local businesses and charities on this matter so that we can expand the social housing options they are able to provide.”